面对巨人,我个人喜欢比较直接的励志电影,像面对巨人就有很多言语上听觉的直接鼓动。另外在动画《闪电狗bolt》(08年11月上映的),中有段也很催人奋进的,someone,no matter what's the odds,will do what's right ,thet need a hero to tell them that sometimes,impossible can become possible,if you're awesome!
具体的话希望你能自己看一下,下载后用 暴风转码可以截取视频声音的,去射手网也可以找到电影台词
everyone fails in some point
that's fear
i am tired of being afraid
your action will always follow your belief
if you accept defeat,that's what you'll get
god will send the rain when he is ready,you need to prepare your field to recieve it
show me your good effort
good strength
you give the best,you keep going ,that's it
your very best your very best your very best that's it
it all haert
you promise me your best,your best
give me more give me more,don't quit
give me your heart ,you can you can
there you go there you go
dont't ever doubt it whether you play or not i'll stand there for you
we are not supposed to be here,but we are
so if anything in your says this is a losing effort ,throw it out
now,who will fight with the giants with me
i need 110 percent
for the rest of your life ,your will remember today,i want you remember you held nothing back,you did not lose heart,you did not stop fighting,you did not quit
now get there and stomp them
i konw you are tired,it's easy to leave when you are strong,
now get there and get it down
i konw it's getting tough
i believe you can ,do the best you can
don't you ever let anyone tell you that you are under par,second-rate or inferior
money is no object
1、方宇:北京有一ktv名字特吉利,叫钱柜,自打开业那天起就哗哗往里进钱,你那么爱挣钱,我帮你改一名,保证也吉利。钱小样:叫钱箱。方宇:没那么好听——叫钱缸。 2、方宇:你真不枉姓钱,长了一钱串子脑袋。 3、小样:这么多花啊,真好看,一看就知道是假的。 4、小样:首先不是我主动提出出卖的假条,是学生软磨硬泡求我开的,被拒绝之后他们用金钱利惑我。这买方和卖方市场需求一致交易就这么达成了,可是我没想到着市场需求迅速扩大,好多学生闻风而至,我被架上去,我就没下来 5、小样:我搁这儿坐一下午了,我越琢磨越觉着大盘跟人生一样。每个人都是一只股票,看到那绿莹莹的一片了吗?我就在里边都快跌停了。这人往高处走,水往低处流,不能只下看这样永远也没有进步,不看那几只红的多扎眼呀!就好比周晋是蓝筹股,青楚是绩优股,霹雳是潜力股,我一个垃圾股。 6、小样:你就剩30块钱了还穷横穷横的,真帅! 7、周晋:明白,糖衣吃掉,炮弹打回。 8、霹雳:你喜欢我们这里(西餐厅)什么特色啊?顾客:人少,而且我喜欢一堆人围着我转的感觉。 9、钱进来:夫人哪,告诉你一个振奋人心的消息,你家姑娘离家出走了。 10、青楚:死亡就是进入了另一个人生阶段,就好比你推开一扇门走进另一扇门,其实没什么可怕的。小样:就是说出了这屋进那屋呗。那没准那屋要什么有什么,比这儿还乐呵呢。青楚:不知道,反正去了那屋的人还没有回来过的。小样:那是,随便往回溜达也怪吓人的。 检举回答人的补充 2009-05-22 18:31 小样:我叫钱小样,大小的小,样子的样。虽然不大气,但是很可爱。 小样:你猜我爸叫什么? 方宇:钱串子。 小样:少来!你爸才叫钱串子呢! 方宇:那你爸叫什么? 小样:钱。进。来。
小样:那你是干嘛的啊,不会是做生意的吧。 方宇:算是吧。 小样:做什么生意的? 方宇:你还兼职警察啊。 方宇:既然你这么随你爸,干脆你也把名字改了得了。 小样:你想说什么呀? 方宇:北京有一ktv名字特吉利,叫钱柜,自打开业那天起就哗哗往里进钱,你那么爱挣钱,我帮你改一名,保证也吉利。小样:叫钱箱。 方宇:没那么好听,叫钱缸。 检举 您觉得这个答案好不好?