????1?⊿He who does not advance loses ground.㏒“????DD??,2????辰赤??㏒㏒?
????2?⊿enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.3?那米??3‘㏒?℅辰豕?辰?3谷1y豕ㄓ㏒??ˉ足足3??迆谷????㏒
????3?⊿Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.豕?o??米米?℅?米?那??赤?米米?~??邦℅?o?㏒?
????4?⊿The good seaman is known in bad weather.㏒“?a足?o∫角?㏒?﹞???車⊿D?㊣?谷??㏒㏒?
????5?⊿Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.??豕?那???豕?㊣?㏒?
????6?⊿Never look down on yourself. ㏒“車角??2?辰aD??∩℅??o?㏒㏒?
????7?⊿Hope is the poor man’s bread.㏒“?㏒赤?那???豕?米???谷???~邦?㏒㏒?
????8?⊿quitters never win and winners never quit.赤?????車角?T那∟角?㏒?那∟角???車角2?赤????㏒
????9?⊿While there is life there is hope.㏒“辰??⊿豕?∩?㏒??㏒赤?2??e?㏒ -- 車⊿1迆?豕車?㏒?
????10?⊿Believe in yourself.?角D???℅??o㏒?
????11?⊿keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.?芍3?2?D?㏒???辰2㊣?辰℅?㏒
????12?⊿family and friends are hidden treasures. seek them and enjoy the riches.?辰豕?o赤?車車?那??∩2???㊣|2?,??芍|﹞⊿?辰,12?赤2????㏒
????13?⊿Well begun is half done ㏒“o?米??a那?那?3谷1|米?辰?~??㏒㏒?
????14?⊿read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life.米?米?米?米?????辰a㏒?∩|∩|?∫?~那??ˉ???㏒
????15?⊿give more than you planned to.?角?角??車豕㏒?2?㊣??????㏒
????16?⊿ For man is man and master of his fate.㏒“豕??赤那?豕?㏒?那?℅??o?邦??米??ˉ豕??㏒㏒?
????17?⊿ Gods determine what you're going to be.㏒“豕?谷迆米?﹞邦?﹞??㊣那???“????3谷?a???迄米?豕??㏒㏒?
????18?⊿open your eyes and see things as they really are.??∩車???|㏒??∩??那?那米???角?㏒㏒“角????????.㏒?
????19?⊿Do one thing at a time, and do well.辰?∩???℅?辰??t那?㏒?℅?米?℅?o?㏒?
????20?⊿Only when you seize today can you not lose tomorrow. ㏒“??車D℅ㄓ℅???足足㏒?2??邦2??a那∫?ˉ足足?㏒㏒?
????21?⊿ Life never stands still: if you don’t advance you recede. ㏒“谷迆?邦2??⊿㏒?2????辰赤??㏒㏒?
????22?⊿Nothing is difficult to the man will try .㏒“那角谷??T??那?,??辰a??米??那?㏒㏒?
????23?⊿never lie, cheat or steal. always smile a fair deal.??2?豕???㏒????-㏒?赤米??㏒?1?????辰℅?㏒
????24?⊿Keep on going never give up.車?赤迄?㊣?~㏒? ??2?﹞??迆㏒?
????25?⊿Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.㏒“2?1邦℅﹞?車那2?∩??㊣那㏒???車|?芍3?2?D??㏒㏒?
????26?⊿I can because i think i can.?辰DD㏒?辰辰?a?辰?角D??辰DD㏒?
????27?⊿zero in your target,and go for it.∩車芍??a那?㏒?車?赤迄?㊣?~㏒?
????28?⊿want it more that anything.㊣?D?????℅???辰a?㏒
????29?⊿believe in yourself.?角D?℅??o㏒?
????30?⊿Success covers a multitude of blunders .(3谷1|車谷∩車芍?米?那∫赤??y?赤?㏒㏒?
????31?⊿ To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. ㏒“豕ㄓ﹞邦?﹞㏒?豕ㄓ℅﹞?車㏒?豕ㄓ﹞⊿??㏒?米?2?辰a﹞??迆?㏒㏒?
????32?⊿Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness.㏒“?邦????車豕?辰??米?2?那?那∫赤?????㏒???那??迆?芍??㊣-?㏒辰辰∩?㏒?豕??辰??o芍?T?﹞??㏒??迆D?車? ??米?~????邦???㏒㏒?
????33?⊿Never forget to say “thanks”.車角??2?辰a赤邦芍??米“D?D?”!
????34?⊿Constant dripping wears away stone .㏒“??米?那‘∩?,谷t?a?????㏒㏒? .None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.㏒“??車D??足足?迄?豕??那∟谷迆??2⊿?芍豕?℅?車谷米?豕?㏒?2????赤那邦谷迆??米?℅?車谷?㏒㏒?
????35?⊿ .Every little helps a mickle .㏒“??谷33谷?t,??辰?3谷???㏒㏒?
????36?⊿you're uinique, nothing can replace you.???迄那角?T??㏒??T豕??谷辰?足?∩迆?㏒
????37?⊿The path to your glorious future begins with the steps you take today. ㏒“赤“?辰2車角??∩角∩米??﹞∩車????足足米???3?米?2?﹞ㄓ?a那??㏒?∫角???DD那?車迆℅????㏒㏒?
????38?⊿understand yourself in order to better understanding others.?a?o﹞??邦?a豕??㏒
????39?⊿ignore those who try to discourage you .辰???車?∩辰?ˉ?e﹞?D?谷??㏒
????40?⊿Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.㏒“足足谷迆?辰2?㊣?車D車??㏒㏒?
????41?⊿live well, love lots, and laugh often.谷?∩y谷迆??㏒?豕豕~?辰??D㏒??-3㏒?a?3∩車D|?㏒
????42?⊿take control of your own desting.?邦???????迆℅??o那?谷??㏒
????43?⊿Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished.㏒“??車D????2???米??﹞?迄㏒?豕???谷??芍那∫~邦??2?1?℅那??㏒???那?谷迆角∩?赤那?㊣??ˉ﹞t米??㏒㏒?
????44?⊿xcellerate your efforts.?車㊣???芍|㏒?
????45?⊿All things in their being are good for something.㏒“足足谷迆?辰2?㊣?車D車??㏒㏒?
????46?⊿A young idler,an old beggar.㏒“谷迄℅32???芍|,角?∩車赤?谷?㊣‘?㏒㏒?
????47?⊿Never say die.車角2????迄㏒?
????48?⊿Cease to struggle and you cease to live.㏒“谷迆?邦2??1㏒?﹞邦?﹞2??⊿?㏒㏒?
????49?⊿Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.㏒“豕?赤迄??∩|℅?㏒???赤迄米赤∩|芍ˉ?㏒㏒?
????50?⊿ .If winter comes , can spring be far behind ㏒?㏒“??足足角∩芍?㏒?∩o足足?1?芍???e㏒?㏒?
????51?⊿Action speak louder than words.DD?‘那∟車迆??車?㏒?
????52?⊿Where there is a will ,there is a way. ㏒“車D????那??13谷?㏒㏒?
????53?⊿hang on to your dreams.℅﹞?e?????㏒
????54?⊿consider things from every angle.?????那足a辰a豕????㏒
????55?⊿Man is the artificer of his own happiness.㏒“豕?那?℅??oD辰?㏒米?∩∩芍⊿???㏒㏒?
????56?⊿don't give up and don't give in.2?辰a﹞??迆㏒?2?辰a??~邦㏒?
????57?⊿Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.㏒“2?辰a??辰辰辰?∩?那∫~邦㏒??赤﹞??迆???-角∩??D???∩?米?米???米??㏒㏒?