he is very (handsome)
he has (hazel eyes)
he got (hazel eyes)
he has (a round face) with (small eyes)
A swirling black flash was glimpsed through the trees. Black robes and a long hooded cloak, walking steadily towards the bunch of children. They huddled together, filled with the sense of despair. The cloaked figure circled them. A gasp went up as a boy saw a glinting object sliding from the figure’s waist. He continued to trundle relentlessly towards them. Then he stopped. The black cloak swayed in the discomforting, chilling breeze. Then he spoke.
The oldest, was on the edge of the pack. “Thwack”. The slimly built boy swayed dramatically. His arms limp and his face drained of blood. Drained of life. The blood trickled down from his mouth to his chin. He fell to the floor, a sharp pinecone needle embedding itself in his glazed, open eye. It was only then they saw the sharp knife stuck in the back of the slim boy’s head. They looked up. They saw them. They were surrounded. No chance of surviving.
“What? What do you mean?” I demanded. “What I mean is that I do not want you to suffer.” I didn’t understand, I really didn’t. He said “The reason I don’t want you to go is because they took my soul. My soul and the souls of fifty others on the day of the 7/7 bombings”. I ran, I couldn’t take it any more. I kept on running and I didn’t stop. There seemed to be trains everywhere, moving, derelict, abandoned. I ran faster and faster, jumping and bounding up and over sleepers and old tracks. Then I saw him. Him and the fifty others.
“No, nothing…” Suddenly, all the light had gone, except the candle, the candlepower was wavering unruly in the darkness; outside the house, the wind was howling loudly and forcefully, bump into the window, trying to break the window, once…twice…and the third time, the window had been broke, the white curtain was swinging. The wind had come in to the house; it broke the offbeat silence inside.
“That person…?” His gaze glued onto the man before him. Then, it was as if a lock had clicked open, his gaze now moved onto the other figure. There, standing next to him was an angelic looking woman. She had waist length wavy, russet coloured hair. Her long dressing gown hung loosely from her body. He tried very hard to remember where he had seen her but was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard another sorrowful, mournful cry.
He gaped as he saw him grasping a knife tightly in his grip. His hazel eyes glowed as he forced himself up closer and closer to her. His hand rose higher and higher. The corner of his mouth curled up into a smirk. Her lip body fell onto the ground. Her eyes no longer begged for forgiveness but gazed, dull and lifeless, the scarlet blood-oozing out from the fatal cut on her white neck. The vicar dropped to his knees. A gush of wind blew, sweeping the clouds away, revealing the black, velvet blanket and the silver rimmed moon.
Light pierced the gloomy rooms, cutting through the darkness. A bony figure moved beneath the bed sheets in one of the rooms. A skeletal head peeked from under the crimson stained covers, his eyes alive with fear. His legs emerged, cuts covering them. He suddenly ripped the bed sheets off, violently throwing them to the ground. He stood up, his face was distorted from slashes and bruises. He had nothing on except for a pair of ripped jeans.
The man nudged him towards the door whilst loosening his grip slightly. He tried to wriggle free but the man had a tight grasp around him. The man angrily kicked the flaking door open, the harsh sunlight blinding them. He violently pushed the boy to the ground and focused on his eyes reading his thoughts. He suddenly looked pleased with himself, as if he had come to a decision. His hand fumbled in his pocket, searching for something.
The grey haze covered the silent countryside and a few crickets could be heard chirping, along with the rustling of the parched leaves. Miss Swan was standing under an old oak tree, waiting for her partner at her part time job. She looked to her right but only to see the depressing fog hiding the green landscape. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she swiftly turned her head to meet a pair of brown eyes.
Suddenly, she heard a faint sound of heavy breathing coming from the reflected image in the mirror. She peered at the glass saw herself breathing hard, it was so real she felt as though she really did have a difficulty breathing. Her eyes were glued to the mirror and stuck to her reflection. It was growing dark. She heard a bang from down stairs but couldn’t move. She didn’t know what was going on. The mirror was causing her to hallucinate, suffocating her. Suddenly she felt two hands dragging her away from the glass. Mark’s face was pale as he watched Mary struggle to get her breath back.
细节描写 用英语怎么说
detailed descriptions
英语作文的细节描写 ,要描写害怕的。最好是被骂的时候的神情。程度要高。
When I was young,I was always afraid of the dark.I would never dare to enter a dark place without having someone next to me.During night time,I would always sleep with my parents so they could protect me.I think I became scared of darkness after I watched a scary movie.
Now I have grown up and am getting better.I began to realise that darkness isn't that scary at all.It is actually quite peaceful.
扩写,加入细节描写,把故事写完整 求求各位帮帮忙 还要翻译成英文的 本人想象力有限
# Smiley says he’s good for one thing: he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.
# That so, says the stranger. He looks at the frog, then says he doesn’t see anything about the frog that makes him so special.
# Well, maybe you understand frogs and maybe you don’t, says Smiley. But I’ll bet forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.
# So the man thinks about it, then says that if he had a frog, he’d bet against Smiley.
# Smiley offers to go get him a frog. He gives the other man the box and goes to get a frog.
# The stranger sits there with the box and waits. Soon, he gets Dan’l out, opens the frog's mouth, and begins to fill him full of quail shot. Then he sets him on the floor. Smiley comes back from the swamp with a frog and gives him to the stranger.
# They set the frogs side by side, and Smiley says, "One two three jump!"
# The stranger’s frog jumps. Dan’l tries to heave upwards but can’t budge.
# Smiley is surprised, and a little "disgusted," but he gives the stranger his money.
# The stranger starts to leave and, just to rub it in, he repeats what he said earlier – that he doesn’t see anything special about Dan’l that should distinguish him from any other frog.
# Smiley scratches his head and stares down at Dan’l. Finally, he wonders aloud what the matter is. He picks Dan’l up and exclaims that he weights five pounds! He turns Dan’l upside down, and Dan’l belches out the quail shot.
今天英语测试,我经过认真复习,上学的时候信心满怀 小作文200字,要有环境描写和细节描写
为了期末考试,每天都是重复着 “学习---睡觉”没有任何的新鲜。我都快成学习英语的机器人了。
《电子情缘》讲述的是发生在现代纽约西区的故事。有一家小小的街角书店,专门出售儿童读物,它的拥有者是年轻的凯莉,一个美丽优雅的女孩。最喜欢雏菊,最爱读《傲慢与偏见》。她从母亲手里继承了这个店,用一贯的爱心与热忱以及完善的服务拥有了不少的回头客。生活中有一位记者男友陪伴着她,一个对打字机相当着迷的家伙。本来生活可以这么平静得过下去,但是现代的互联网让凯莉认识了一位网友:NY512。他们有着共同的生活感悟,每天都通信,彼此互生好感。而这位NY512的真实身份是一位家境富裕的生意人,真实姓名叫fox。他准备在纽约西区开一家大型的折扣书店---fox超级书店。这个消息对于整个西区的其它书店来讲都不是一件好事。凯莉的店也一样,自从fox超级书店开张以后,营业额不断的下降。很多书店都倒闭了,凯莉还在苦苦支撑。一个偶然的机会她认识了Fox,由于书店的事,两人之间剑拔弩张,互相讽刺和挖苦。凯莉对fox的生意进行抨击,说他不近人情,而fox对凯莉的话则嗤之以鼻,不愿理睬。为了保住母亲多年辛苦经营的书店,凯莉想尽了办法,但收效甚微。其间凯莉不时地跟NY512通信,却一直不知道他就是Fox.两个人在网上的感觉越来越好,fox提出要见面,凯莉很紧张也很向往,两人约好了在咖啡馆约会,fox如约前往,在窗口却看到了拿着书和玫瑰的凯莉,fox明白了。却没有告诉凯莉真相,因为他知道凯莉很讨厌他做的事。凯莉最终没能保住书店,生活在一瞬间似乎失去了重心,书店关了,与男友和平得分手,一切又回到了原点。看到凯莉因为小店的关张而悲伤,fox既无奈又心疼,却不知道该怎么安慰她。恰恰一次电梯的遇险,让fox开始重新审视自己的生活,他意识到凯莉才是他的最爱,他生活的全部。于是他用一束雏菊敲开了凯莉的房门,用朋友的爱和关怀慢慢接近她,凯莉也在不知不觉间爱上了fox,但她还是念念不忘NY512,当凯莉按照约定的时间去见NY512时,惊喜地发现原来他就是fox ,凯莉喜极而泣,两人紧紧的相拥在一起......
" 我看过一篇文章,关于地铁里的蝴蝶,今天我看到了一只,它从42街上车,在59街下车,我猜想它去逛百货公司了,去买一顶一辈子都不戴的帽子,多数帽子都是这个下场。"(凯莉写给fox的邮件)
胡泊 六一班 他,是一个性格爽朗、学习优异、长得很帅气的一位小男生。我小学生涯中最要好的陪朋友就是他。 周六的时候,他总是约我一起去外面玩耍,我们俩一起在那甜蜜中的话语里有一丝丝友情。但也有时想一些坏点子做一些坏坏的事情。我还有时回想以前我们做那些很幼稚的事,但是我们总是一起度过啦那美好的时光。我很怀念啊,之间的友情深深的烙在我的心里! 我们俩曾经还有一些争执。那天中午放学回家的路上雾很大,我就说:“今天的雾好大啊!!!”:“这不是雾,这是人家少的麦秸秆!!!”他用一种很严肃的眼神看着我说。我有些无语!我情不自禁的笑了,立刻回答说:“这就是雾,你见过烧麦秸秆能少到这种地步吗?”他用微笑的眼神看着我,又立刻回复说,就这样一说再说,永远也争论不玩喽…… 我觉得他有时候神神秘秘的不支声,也有时候一说话就让人逗笑不已。不管怎样我们说说笑笑的生活还是很多。 他有时候约我出来吃午饭,虽然特有点的小胖,但是肚量非常小。那一天他请我出来吃饭,它既兴奋又热情的告诉我有一家“重庆盖浇饭”很好吃,我也就迫不及待的想吃。这种友情难道不知的人羡慕吗?他就是***。 有一次我公交卡忘带了,他毫不犹豫掏出兜里的一元钱并且心里洋溢地说:“胡泊,我借你钱,不用担心!”我们俩的关系怎么不值得赞叹。他一股很拉风的样子在我心里就像一位明星,在他热心助人时有一种爱心,在他跟我一起玩的时候性格豪爽、为人喜爱的样子实在是很可爱! 他,是我童年的玩伴,长大成年后的兄弟,他,是让我赞叹不已,跟他做朋友是我的荣幸。你的微笑我会铭记在心!!!
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