00:35:47,962 --> 00:35:51,131
"I never held you, but I feel you.
00:35:51,132 --> 00:35:55,498
You never spoke, but I hear you.
00:35:56,271 --> 00:36:01,671
I never knew you, but I love you".
“If I had been less- less fortunate, the world would call it; if some obscure and peaceful life had been my destiny; if I had been poor, sick, helpless; would you have turned from me then? Or has my probable advancement to riches and honour, given this scruple birth?”…Harry during his proposal to Rose wondering if he had a different station life, would she accept his offer. Dickens says here that love need not have money to be happy, and actually states that the lesser the money or station in life, the happier two people may be, because money corrupts people.
原版的!“Please, Sir, I want some more.” Oliver, asking the cook at the workhouse for more gruel. Pg. 12
2.‘“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”’ …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver’s heart and gave him courage. Pg. 54
3. “As he spoke, he pointed hastily to the picture above Oliver’s head; and then to the boy’s face. There was its living copy. The eyes, the head, the mouth; every feature was the same. The expression was, for an instant, so precisely alike, that the minutest line seemed copied with startling accuracy” …from the moment when Mr. Bumble realizes who Oliver is. Pg. 90
4. ‘“Am I,’ said the girl [Nancy] ‘Take care I don’t overdo it. You will be the worse for it Fagin, if I do; so I tell you in good time keep clear of me’”…Nancy protecting Oliver from Fagin’s beatings. This line foreshadows the downfall of the Jew brought about by Nancy’s hand. Pg. 126
5. “the mother, when the pains of death first came upon her, whispered in my ear that if her babe was工born alive, and thrived, the day might come when it would not feel so much disgraced to here it’s poor young mother named…whether it be a boy or girl, raise up some friends for it in this troubled world; and take pity upon a lonely and desolate child, abandoned to its mercy.” …the old nurse sally told Mrs. Corney when she was dying. Pg. 189-190
“Please, Sir, I want some more.” Oliver, asking the cook at the workhouse for more gruel.
2.“Good-bye dear! God bless you!”’ …Dick told Oliver on his way to London, which warmed Oliver’s heart and gave him courage.
3. “As he spoke, he pointed hastily to the picture above Oliver’s head; and then to the boy’s face. There was its living copy. The eyes, the head, the mouth; every feature was the same. The expression was, for an instant, so precisely alike, that the minutest line seemed copied with startling accuracy” …from the moment when Mr. Bumble realizes who Oliver is.
Please sir,I want some mor穿.小奥利弗在孤儿院时说的,“对不起先生,我还要一点”
I've walking ,seven days.“我已经走了7天了”在伦敦碰见机灵鬼时说的
奥列弗有生活在英国社会最底层的不幸,瘦小的奥列弗在无名小城的孤儿院被”转让“,被逼跟着小偷上街掏人家腰包、跟着盗贼去偷东西;也有他自身的幸运,好心露丝小姐和那位太太(不好意思,名字忘了),还有那不幸的姑娘——南希…… 我永远还记得小奥列弗冲着厨师说那句“对不起,先生,我还要一点。”时的场景, 窃以为狄更斯在这里的刻画达到了极致。 《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯最具代表性的作品,写出了当时英国底层社会最真实的一面。记得教科书里讲狄更斯是英国文学史上批判现实主义的最杰出的代表,还不如说狄更斯更具有现实浪漫主义的气息。。 还记起一个,那个教区干事的名字(还是想不起来)在英语中已成了某些小官吏的代名词。 还有就是狄更斯的人物刻画之深刻,语言运用之幽默,也是一绝~
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