举一个例子:请求PGN的数据页位(DP)=0;PF=234(#EA) 那么她的参数群编号PGN=#00EA00。 因为PF=234<>
5.1.2 Parameter Group Number (PGN) (R)
Whenever it is necessary to identify a Parameter Group in the data field of a CAN data frame, it will be
expressed in 24 bits. The 24-bit value is sent least significant byte first (see Table 2 where it is stated the
MSB is sent third, middle byte second and least significant byte first). The Parameter Group Number is a
24-bit value that has the following constituent components: 6 bits set to zero, Reserved bit, Data Page
bit, PDU Format Field (8 bits), and Group Extension Field (8 bits). The procedure for the bit fields to be
converted to a Parameter Group Number is as follows. The six most significant bits of the PGN are set to
zero. Then the Reserved Bit, Data Page bit and PDU Format field are copied into the next 18 bits. Lastly
if the PF value is less than 240 (F016), then the least significant byte of the PGN is set to zero. Otherwise
it is set to the value of the Group Extension Field. Reference Table 2 for an illustration of the constituent
component bit fields and their corresponding PGN decimal number. Note that not all 217 (or 131072)
combinations are available for assignment using the conventions specified in this document. The
conventions specified yield 8672 PGs (calculated as: 2 pages * [240 + (16*256)] = 8672 PGs). The
Cumulative Number of PGs column in Table 2 identifies the number of PGNs possible. See SAE J1939,
Appendix A to see the assigned PGNs
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